Sometimes you need to be a warthog.
"Look, that's Mr Forgetful!", our tour guide told us. And indeed, they earn the first price in having a short-term memory. A warthog recognises a car coming by, runs away, and a few seconds later he stops and starts eating. It does this over and over again. And this was the enlightening moment when the famous "Hakuna Matata" suddenly really started making sense to me.
How can you ever be worried if you don't remember the things that have happened? Isn't it a worry-less life if you only live for the moment?
Sometimes we should be more like warthogs and live in the moment. We should enjoy every second we get in life. Because life can be so short. There is no time to complain about things which are not in our control or irrelevant. Let’s see all the little great things around us which give us energy and joy in our lives, particularly for the hard times we all experience. Sometimes we just need to be a warthog.